1st prize with the series "Absences" at the 37th Quart de Poblet Photography Exhibition. 2017. Quarter of Poblet. Valencia
May 8, 2012
Alcalá de Henares Award for Photography. Documentary Photojournalism Modality.
Alcala de Henares (Madrid) 2014
1st prize in the II Edition of the International Photography Contest "Helie Memorial". Villena (Alicante). 2013
1st prize with the series "Ellipsis" in the "Deputation of Guadalajara" Photography Contest 2010.
1st Prize with the series "Anonimus" at the VI International Contest of Contemporary Photography Phoco' 08.
Valdepenas (Ciudad Real) 2008
file:///D:/a_TRAYECTORIA_EXPO_CHARLAS_REVISTAS/2008/2008_PREMIO%20PHOCO%20VALDEPE%C3%91AS/Peri%C3%B3dico%20Digital%20Oretania%20%C2%BB%20Delivered%20the%20first%20prize%20of%20% E2%80%9C%20Phoco%20%E2%80%9908%20%E2%80%9D%20a%20Manuel%20Jes%C3%BAs%20Pineda%20por%20his%20work%20%E2%80%98anonymous% E2%80%99.mht
1st Prize with the series "Adagios" in the IV Cerdá y Rico International Photography Contest.
Goat of Sto Cristo (Jaén). 2006